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“Setiap masa ada orangnya dan setiap orang ada masanya.”

“Teruntuk argUMenters dan generasinya: Jangan tanyakan apa yang argUMent berikan padamu, tapi, tanyakan apa yang kamu bisa berikan untuknya.” ~Diadaptasikan dari pidato pelantikan JFK, 1961.


argUMent merupakan organisasi debat Bahasa inggris terbesar di Nusa tenggara Barat, Indonesia. Berdasarkan anggaran dasar dan rumah tangga UKM argUMent, priode masa jabatan kepengurusan dilaksanakan selama 1 tahun sekali. Dimana, peralihan mandat kepemimpinan dimusyawarahkan pada program kerja General Meeting (GM) yang biasa dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember.

Tahun 2019/2020 merupakan priode masa jabatan Ahmad Khaeril Wardi selaku President terpilih. Pada kesempatan yang telah diberikan, President UKM argUMent yang ke-12 itu memberi nama kabinetnya dengan nama “Action Cabinet” dan tagline yang digunakan yaitu “Let’s Dream, Start Action”. Kemudian, pada GM tahun 2020 yang lalu, telah ditetapkan bahwa Muh. Nazri merupakan President UKM argUMent yang ke-13 masa periode jabatan 2020/2021.

Dalam mengemban amanah yang telah diberikan kepadanya, President tidak bekerja seorang diri, president akan dibantu oleh jajarannya yang terdiri dari Vice President, Secretary dan Treasury beserta Coordinator of Department. Dimana, Jumlah department yang ada di UKM argUMent sebanyak 10 Department yaitu, 1) Human Resources Department, 2) Achievement Development Department, 3) Class Management Department, 4) Public Relation Department, 5) Academic and Profession Department, 6) Educational Media Department, 7) Publication Media Department, 8) Entertainment Department, 9) Administration Department, and 10) Fundraising Department. 

Penasaran…… apa nama cabinet dan siapa yang akan menjadi pengurus pada priode masa jabatan 2020/2021??????? Berikut di bawah ini informasi untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut siapa orang-orang yang akan membantu president selama satu tahun kedepan:

  1. Vice President : Adam Naufal Makbul
  1. Secretary          : Ahmad Adam Firdaus
  1. Treasurer         : Baiq Rosi Astria
  1. Human Resources Department :

         Coordinator             : Didik Pratama

         Vice Coordinator   : Irma Rahmani

  1. Achievement Development Department :

         Coordinator             : Nanda Karina Satriani

         Vice Coordinator  : Hasri Ainun ‘Ilmi

  1. Class Management Department :

         Coordinator             : Lale Sulandari Djolo Puri

         Vice Coordinator  : Anggun Citra Sasmi

  1. Public Relation Department :

          Coordinator            : Muhammad Ali

          Vice Coordinator  : Zahrul Isrok

  1. Academic And Profession Department :

          Coordinator            : Muhmmad Rasyid Al-Ziddan

          Vice Coordinator  : Azzizatur Rahmah

  1. Educational Media Department :

          Coordinator            : Rizky Ambar Saputri

          Vice Coordinator  : Ardha Naufal Herdyansah

  1. Publication Media Department :

          Coordinator             : Zulhan Ozi Firmanu

          Vice Coordinator  : Galuh Ayuningtyas S.

  1. Entertainment Department :

          Coordinator            : Moh. Adiyat Hidayatullah

          Vice Coordinator  : Iqozul Himam

  1. Administration Department :

          Coordinator             : Pahima

          Vice Coordinator  : Fadillah Al-Muzakir

  1. Fundraising Department :

          Coordinator             : Eka Putri Juliantari

          Vice Coordinator  : Nurani Asiyah

Di tahun 2021, UKM argUMent yang dinahkodai oleh Muh. Nazri, diharapkan mampu menciptakan inovasi-inovasi untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan skill dan pengetahuan mahasiswa di Universitas Mataram dan membantu dalam mewujudkan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi.

Maka, President Ke-13 itu menginisiasi nama kabinetnya yaitu “argUMent STAR” dengan Tagline “Show Your Real Action, It’s Time to be Star”. Karena di kepengurusan sebelumnya, argUMent mengajak seluruh argUMenters untuk berani bermimpi besar, dan memulai sebuah aksi untuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya. Sehingga president ke-13, berharap agar mimpi-mimpi argUMenters tidak pudar karena waktu. Dengan menunjukkan aksi nyata, maka mimpi itu akan tercapai, dan saatnya kita akan menjadi bintang.

“Everyone has their own time zone, and each of time zone decides who the chosen one is.”
“For all fellow argUMenters and new generation of argUMent going to be born: Ask not what argUMent could do for you, but, what you could do for it, argUMent” ~ Adapted from JFK’s Inaugural Address, 1961.


argUMent is the most magnificent and the biggest English Debate Community in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Based on the bylaw of UKM argUMent, reign of each board is carried out for a one-year term. Whereas, the mandatory transition is officially handed over once in a year in the great conference namely, General Meeting; It is held by the end of the year, more precisely in December.

In 2019/2020, the leadership milestone went to Ahmad Khaeril Wardi, meaning that he officially got chosen by the accord of conference in General Meeting, and constitutionally became a 12th President of UKM argUMent. To respond the mandatory entrusted as well as trusted to him, along with his fellow boards that were chosen, he established or constituted the phenomenal cabinet named, “Action Cabinet”, also having an exceptional jargon i.e., “Let’s Dream, Start ACTION”. However, by the end of 2020, his regime was over as it was agreed and regulated within the bylaw of UKM argUMent while the leadership milestone has now been constitutionally handed over to Muhammad Nazri; He is officially acclaimed as a 13th president of UKM argUMent, 2020/2021.

Regarding to that mandatory, he, a president, will not work all by his own. He, however, is going to collectively run it with his boards that are to say, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and legally regulated department(s): In terms of department(s), there are 10 established departments with 2 specialized agents responsibly leading in each of which, so-called, coordinator and vice coordinator. These departments are 1) Human Resources Department, 2) Achievement Development Department, 3) Class Management Department, 4) Public Relation Department, 5) Academic and Profession Department, 6) Educational Media Department, 7) Publication Media Department, 8) Entertainment Department, 9) Administration Department, and 10) Fundraising Department. 

Additionally, the following provides us information about who are working along with the 13th president of UKM argUMent:

  1. Vice President : Adam Naufal Makbul
  1. Secretary          : Ahmad Adam Firdaus
  1. Treasurer         : Baiq Rosi Astria
  1. Human Resources Department :

         Coordinator             : Didik Pratama

         Vice Coordinator   : Irma Rahmani

  1. Achievement Development Department :

         Coordinator             : Nanda Karina Satriani

         Vice Coordinator  : Hasri Ainun ‘Ilmi

  1. Class Management Department :

         Coordinator             : Lale Sulandari Djolo Puri

         Vice Coordinator  : Anggun Citra Sasmi

  1. Public Relation Department :

          Coordinator            : Muhammad Ali

          Vice Coordinator  : Zahrul Isrok

  1. Academic And Profession Department :

          Coordinator            : Muhmmad Rasyid Al-Ziddan

          Vice Coordinator  : Azzizatur Rahmah

  1. Educational Media Department :

          Coordinator            : Rizky Ambar Saputri

          Vice Coordinator  : Ardha Naufal Herdyansah

  1. Publication Media Department :

          Coordinator             : Zulhan Ozi Firmanu

          Vice Coordinator  : Galuh Ayuningtyas S.

  1. Entertainment Department :

          Coordinator            : Moh. Adiyat Hidayatullah

          Vice Coordinator  : Iqozul Himam

  1. Administration Department :

          Coordinator             : Pahima

          Vice Coordinator  : Fadillah Al-Muzakir

  1. Fundraising Department :

          Coordinator             : Eka Putri Juliantari

          Vice Coordinator  : Nurani Asiyah

In 2021, UKM argUMent, presided by Muh. Nazri, is looked forward to being capable of creating the outstanding innovations in developing and empowering students of the University of Mataram in such numbers, and to actualize and carry out Three Pillars of Higher Education i.e., 1) Education, 2) Research, and 3) Community Service.

The 13th president, therefore, constitutes ‘argUMent STAR’ Cabinet with its special jargon, that is to say, “Show Your Real Action, It’s Time To Be STAR”. Meanwhile, dating back to 2020 regime, the fundamental goal (or vision) of argUMent was to encourage all of argUMenters to dream “FABULOUSLY”, and started the ACTION to make their dreams actualized. In corresponding to it, 13th regime of UKM argUMent expects that the spirit of making their dreams true is not going to be diminished or vanished by the time. By showing their highly real action, they will accomplish all of which, and finally become BRIGHT STAR(S).

