argUMent’s Day

Hello everyone! Greetings to all argUMenters around the globe!

Today is argUMent’s Day. Let’s put on our argUMent attributes and speak English! If you’re coming to campus, let’s make this university orange!

Anyway guys, have you ever read a vocabulary that has something to do with law?

For example; “Attorney”, “Solicitor”, “Verdict”?
It’s a new word for me also?

So, just like any other specific major, there are so many terms and vocabulary used in Law.

If you’re a law student and you’re learning English, these are some must-known law-related vocabs!
And if you’re not a law student, these words will still be important knowledge. Happy reading!

And for additional source, here are a video you can use to learn more about Law-related Vocabulary?

Happy Watching!

Remember, keep on learning, and don’t forget to speak English!
