📝argUMenters Database📝
Hallo argUMenters !!!👋🏼👋🏼
How’s life?! Hope you in a good condition ☺

argUMenters database is coming back!!!

argUMenters Darabase aims to update the newest data for argUMenters seniors and alumnae regarding both academic and professional progress. This collection data was carried out to help run the work program if any time there was a need for speakers or contacts for young argUMenters

Fill this link below

❗only for alumnae – argUMenter 2020

Fill this link below

❗only for alumnae – argUMenter 2020

Contact person :
https://wa.me/+62819-3105-8596 (Yazid)
https://wa.me/+62831-1543-5859 (Heni)

