argUMent’s Day

Is it next week already? Phewww time flies?‍?

Wait.. so now is Wednesday, right? It means…

Today is argUMent’s Day!!!!!!?

??‍♀️ : I can’t wait to wear my argUMent Jacket and go to Secretariat..
??‍♀️ : Well.. do you even have argUMent jacket?
??‍♀️: Wait a second.. I haven’t got one!:( Do you know where to get one?
??‍♀️ : Lucky you’re also an argUMenter, you just need to wait for the Batch 2 Pre-Order of argUMent Jacket!
??‍♀️??‍♀️: So, for all of you who already have argUMent jacket, today is the perfect day to wear it!?

By the way guys, is anybody here from Medical Study? I’ve got several words for us to expand our vocabulary!??‍♀️

Take a look at the picture sent with this message!?

And as usual, hit this video as reference for us to learn more!


Happy Watching!

Remember, keep on learning, and don’t forget to speak English!
