Do you guys know that when you have a wider vocabulary in your target language it also helps to support all four language skills, i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking?

But, what does vocabulary really means?

Vocabulary is all about words—the words in a language or a special set of words you’re trying to learn.

Vocabulary knowledge is perhaps the most important factor when it comes to reading comprehension, both for native and non-native speakers.

For example, if you sit down to read a book and you don’t know the vocabulary used, you’ll struggle to understand the meaning of the text.

You might end up looking up the words in a dictionary, guessing the meaning of the words from their context, or you might simply give up and find something else to read.

This can be disappointing, disheartening and also shatter your confidence.

This connection between vocabulary size and second language attainment has been widely researched over the years.

One of the most interesting of these was a 2010 study that discovered that a surprising 64% of variance in the reading score was due to vocabulary size.

So, here are some tips to expand your vocabulary!

7 Ways to Expand Your Vocabulary
1. Develop a reading habit
2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus
3. Play word games
4. Use flashcards
5. Subscribe or follow social media accounts that shares “Word of The Day” feeds
6. Use mnemonics
7. Practice using new words in conversation

“Vocabulary is not an end itself. A rich vocabulary makes the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing easier to perform”
–Paul Nation

Keep on learning, and don’t forget to speak English!

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