🚨 CPNS Calling for argUMenters 🚨

Aloha argUMenters around the world !!!
CPNS is back!
Are you ready guys …?

CPNS (Clean Pure and Neat Secretariat) will be conducted on :

πŸ“† : Friday, 21st June 2024
πŸ•— : 08.00 am – end
🏑 : Our Beloved Home
(Secretariat of UKM argUMent, PKM 2nd floor)

Let’s join this agenda and be the “Sahabat Sekretariat” πŸ€—

We are gladly waiting for your attendance at our beloved sekret πŸ€—

Don’t forget to bring a rag and duster ⚑✨

☎ Contact Person
Rian : wa.me/+6283801441141
Al Muis : wa.me/+6285943067380

#CPNSVoll 3